Pauline, family & friends took part in the Mini Marathon


At 6.50pm in May 2014, Pauline McManus from Athlone, Co Roscommon was getting the dinner when her nine yr old son, Eoghan told her he had a headache. As she tells it, less than an hour later at 7.35pm he was on a life support machine in Portiuncula Hospital. Eoghan had an AVM bleed in his brain which he had from birth and which, much like a pimple, simply popped causing bleeding to the brain.

Eoghan was rushed by ambulance with a Garda escort to Beaumont Hospital where he underwent emergency neurosurgery. Despite being told that 'there was no way of knowing what way he would be when he came around', Eoghan has made a full recovery from the experience.

Pauline and a group of family and friends took part in the mini marathon on 1st June and raised €6,764 for St Raphael's Children's Ward.

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